Do you run out of marketing ideas when it comes to property marketing a property in your patch?
Do you have one or two listings and struggle to get traction from them?
Are you struggling to get VPA from owners?
Here are 26 touch points, to reach different audiences during a marketing campaign.
With so much going out, you will be sure to get the phone ringing. If you aren’t comfortable with the amount of touch points, simply scale back on the actions you think are too much, but please put some form of plan in place for each campaign.
In my experience, I’ve found I get more business because people say “Nic, you are everywhere”. Keeping front of mind is crucial in this modern, digital world we are living in.
It’s a good idea to make sure your CRM is synced with your phone, so as your homeowners will come up on your social channels, in the “people you may know” section. This is a great way to softly market to them.
Many of us put a signboard up, a post on social media, upload to property portals, email alerts, and a DL drop, and that’s usually where it can end. What if there was a way to reach a bigger audience, without spamming people……..
Let’s have a look at a typical 4 week auction campaign, and what can be done to maximise your exposure.
Please, double check with your state's laws as to when you are allowed to commence marketing. I.e in NSW (Australia) we cannot market a property until an agent has a contract for sale and a signed agency agreement.
Week 1
1. The Pre - market post - (Boost for $70 if you aren’t running an ad)
A teaser video or image giving a very short preview of your latest listing. What I used to love doing was taking a photo of a street sign with the caption “Would you like to choose your new neighbours”
2. The Pre - market email - sent to owners & landlords (not buyers)
This is a great opportunity to let homeowners in your database know of your new listing and have the opportunity to view it, prior to hitting the open market.
The reason - This gives you the time to speak with them, without being distracted by buyers. This also allows you to see at what stage they are at.
3. The Pre market letterbox drop
Recently, I tried this with a Sydney agent, where we dropped 5 different streets, with 5 different open home times in the lead up to the property hitting the market. The agent is carrying one or two properties at the moment, so has enough time to do this. The reason - For the people showing on any given inspection, you know what street they are coming from. So, even if they don’t want to give you their street address, you can always cross check their details in your RP Data or equivalent property sites to find out the exact address.
4. The Pre market SMS to owners/landlords in the postcode
A great way to build your social media channels, could be to SMS a link to your social media post, with the preview announcement.
Week 2
5. The Just listed post - (Boost for $70 if you aren’t running an ad - 7 days)
Your standard just listed social media tiles, including address & open times.
6. The Just listed email
Your standard just listed email, including address & open times.
7. The Just listed letter box drop
Your standard just listed DL or flyer, including address & open times.
8. The Just listed SMS to owners/landlords in the postcode
Very short message welcoming them to the first open home.
9. The reminder to the second open home post - (Boost for $70 if you aren’t running an ad - 7 days)
Standard property post with an image of the property, reminding your audience to come along to an inspection or book a private one on one.
10. Reminder on the second open home email
Standard property post with an image of the property, reminding your audience to come along to an inspection or book a private one on one. This would most likely be in your standard weekly OFI alert.
11. Reminder of the third open home post - (Boost for $70 if you aren’t running an ad - 7 days)
A great post to remind your audience that this is the final Saturday open home, before the auction. So, bring the family for another look.
12. Reminder of the third open home email
A great email to remind your audience that this is the final Saturday open home, before the auction. So, bring the family for another look or encourage those who have not yet seen it.
13. Final week post - (Boost for $70 if you aren’t running an ad - 7 days)
Get in and do your due diligence NOW. You have days left. A great post to encourage buyers who are watching you that they need to act. It’s also a great tool for vendors to see you giving your buyers every opportunity to act & get themselves prepared for the big day. This shows that you are doing EVERYTHING possible to get as many buyers to the auction as possible. That’s the very thing an owner wants on the big day.
14. Final week email
This would be sent to your buyer enquiry for the campaign, however, it’s also a good opportunity to let owners know the auction is approaching, so they can plan to attend.
15. Invitation to neighbours to come along to Auction - letterbox drop
A great way to seperate yourself from other agents in your area, is position the Dl or flyer in a way that says “apologies for the recent increase in traffic in your street, our auction is this saturday, so things will return to normal. An alternative is, “Thank you for your patience during the past few weeks, we appreciate there has been an increase in traffic. Just wanting to let you know, the auction for “property address” is this Saturday, so we expect things to go back to normal. Please feel free to come along if you would like to see what the property sells for.
16. Invitation to auction post
Let your social media audience know the Auction is this weekend.
17. Invitation to Auction email
Fairly simple, invite your homeowners to the Auction. This should be a separate email to the rest of your database. Something to the effect of “Dear Homeowner, I just wanted to let you know “Property Address” is going to Auction this week, as you own a property in the area, I’d love to invite you to come along. If you are unable to attend, I’m happy to let you know the outcome”.
18. Invitation to Auction SMS to owners/landlords in the postcode
Fairly simple, invite your homeowners to the Auction. This should be a separate email to the rest of your database. Something to the effect of “Dear Homeowner, I just wanted to let you know “Property Address” is going to Auction this week, as you own a property in the area, I’d love to invite you to come along. If you are unable to attend, I’m happy to let you know the outcome”
19. Sold post
Generally your signboard photos or your standard sold posts.
20. Sold letter box drop
Your standard DL drop or flyer
21. Sold email alert
A personalised email to your homeowners. Something to the effect of
“I wanted to let you know we have just sold “Property Address” at Auction for “Sold Price”. This was a great outcome for the property, as we had X buyers competiting. This does leave us with X buyers actively looking to secure a property of this calibre and I thought I’d reach out to see if you had any thoughts of allowing them to inspect your property, if you are thinking of selling.
We wouldn’t be looking to market the property in any way, just get these qualified buyers through to have a look, and then go from there if there’s any interest. If you would like to have a chat, please reach out.
22. SOLD SMS to owners/landlords in the postcode
A personalised email to your homeowners. Something to the effect of
“I wanted to let you know we have just sold “Property Address” at Auction for “Sold Price”. This was a great outcome for the property, as we had X buyers competiting. This does leave us with X buyers actively looking to secure a property of this calibre and I thought I’d reach out to see if you had any thoughts of allowing them to inspect your property, if you are thinking of selling.
We wouldn’t be looking to market the property in any way, just get these qualified buyers through to have a look, and then go from there if there’s any interest. If you would like to have a chat, please reach out.
23. 3 days later - buyers missed out post
A simple buyer request image, with the something to the effect of “Buyers missed out on a recent sale in “Suburb” and are actively looking for a home in the area”.
24. 3 days later - buyers missed out email
We don’t want to pester the owner, however, this does show that there’s legitimate interest in the area, and gives you credibility when you say you have a buyer.
Hi again, I promise this will be the last time I interrupt your day in regards to this property. I’ve had another call from one of the buyers from last week's Auction who is desperately trying to find a new home in the area. I appreciate you might not be at the point of having people to look at your home at the moment, however, I wanted to ask if it might be possible to just get this one person through.
25. 3 days later - buyers missed out letter box drop
We don’t want to pester the owner, however, this does show that there’s legitimate interest in the area, and gives you credibility when you say you have a buyer. A great DL or flyer to drop around the surrounding streets, a few days after your just sold letter has gone out.
Hi again, I promise this will be the last time I interrupt your day in regards to this property. I’ve had another call from one of the buyers from last week's Auction who is desperately trying to find a new home in the area. I appreciate you might not be at the point of having people to look at your home at the moment, however, I wanted to ask if it might be possible to just get this one person through.
26. A social media ad campaign for the duration of the property marketing campaign
- 30 days
As you can see, there’s quite a bit in here. Imagine if you were doing this for each listing and it was on autopilot. You would be one of the highest profile agents in your area in no time.
For this to be truly effective, your CRM needs to be in order. We aren’t talking about sending out generic emails to your entire database. We are targeting your homeowners in certain locations. This doesn’t mean your entire database misses out, they will see your successes in your weekly alerts, this is an extra value add to your homeowners in a particular area.