As part of an exercise to research what your competitors are doing, we sent a DM (direct message) to over 20 agents requesting an appraisal on Thursday last week.
The message was sent by one of our pages, with a mobile number dedicated to market research.
Out of the 20 messages sent, not ONE message has been seen, let alone replied to, and not one phone call has come in.
More than likely it’s because the message has gone to their requests folder. Think of it as junk mail for email.
Messages from people who are not followers of yours and in which you haven’t engaged with prior quite often will first appear in the “request” folder until you action the message.
To further confuse you, there’s two parts of the “request” folder, all requests and top requests.
I’ve been guilty of missing messages from potential clients by not checking both the folders in the request section.
My advice, whenever you are checking your messages on Instagram, always make sure you check your request folder.